Monday, October 21, 2013

Weekend Reflections

Somehow the clock ticked its way to this late hour without me even noticing.  My how time flies when you are trying to hold onto those last moments of the weekend.  This has been a rather productive week for me, and I'm anxious to make this habit and get into the swing of things to come.

On Monday, I audited an acting class that went on and on for 8 hours. I kid you not. 8 hours of acting is a lot when you already had a full day of working that day job, and other auditions and driving and trying to juggle your sanity.  It's a lot.  But in the end, I think I came out with a lot of valid information, and I think I'm going to give this thing a go for the next month and see what I think when I have a little more under my belt.
I do love to perform and I think that is what is keeping me on an even kilter through this sour patch in my finances.  Living in LA is rough. No one really gives you the full story.  Everyone tells you that it is hard to move here, which it is, but then the staying here and trying to audition while holding down a day job that can pay your bills is tough. Living your own life is hard too. Balance is key.

Later in the week I looked for more day jobs, one just doesn't seem to cut it.  No luck yet.  I had a couple more auditions.  That is the life of an actor.  And I got chewed out by my agent's assistant, which I didn't even know she had an assistant, for not having better head shots or a reel compiled and ready for send off.  Hey, didn't you know all of this when you signed me?  I feel like I'm going to get a call saying, "where is your SAG card?" In which case, I think the argument could turn down a heated road...
I just want to book something.  It sounds crazy, but I feel like I'm getting overlooked and I need something to come my way.  It must be me.  First thing is first, I need to stay in my acting class, gain more confidence, and find a way to book the interesting things that are intended for me. Agents will always be there to collect their commission.

Goal for this week:  Head up.  You never know what opportunity could pop out of a tree, smack you in the face, and keep on running.  So always wear running shoes.

Goodnight and Goodluck!

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